Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Wonderful People Wednesdays

Angela Carson is who this Wonderful People Wednesdays is dedicated to. I've had the pleasure of getting to know this woman over the course of the summer and continuing for what I can only hope is a lifetime.
There are some interesting things I've learned from her, while watching her live a true and open life before me. 1 thing I've learned is there's something to be said about being transparent even when it hurts. It doesn't always feel good to be open and honest about your life. When her kids are having major melt downs in public or her house isn't put together quite as she would like it, she presses on. Yeah, it would probably be way easier for her to have us think that Micah, Avery and Elle never cry or throw fits. It may even be easier for her if we continue to think that she has everything together every minute of the day. But, instead of hiding  and shying away from what's really going on and just put on another mask for another day, she opens those hard times to really do life with me.  I've seen the realness that she brings, and it's refreshing. It's calming, and it's challenging. I'm challenged to be honest with my life because I see what it really means to "Go First" by watching her.
I love the heart she has for resting in God's unfailing love and forgiveness, and her heart for what true humility is and what it brings. It's also been really good for me to see her being a wife to Jeff. I've never heard 1 bad thing about Jeff from her mouth, and in today's culture that's far a few between. I love to sit under her and listen to the wisdom that God has bestowed upon her, and to see that she is always striving for more. I am thankful for the time and effort she takes to spend time with me, teach me about motherhood and just talk about what God is teaching her and ask me what I'm learning. She's even been so kind to keep a look out for some things I will need when I move into my own place (and for that I'm forever thankful because there are some things I would never think about). She's a remarkable woman, all encompassing, and if you ever get the chance to spend a little time with her, take it! Don't miss out because I'm telling you, you will be blessed!

This image isn't mine I used it from Angela's facebook.
I thought it explained the Carson family well. 
[Hope you don't mind that I used it :)]

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Musical Art

I don't draw very often because I don't think I'm the greatest, but tonight I was in the mood. I drew the easiest thing I knew to. I wanted to share it, and share some of the music that accompanied me. Check them out if you're interested.
My Love- 3rd Union
A Beautiful Mess- Jason Mraz
Take Care- Drake and Rihanna 
I Wish You the Best- Eyelit
Some Nights- Fun
Your Hands- JJ Heller
10,000 Reasons- Matt Redman 
Tell Your Mamma- Vespers
Robot- Trip Lee
Faithful- Chad Lister 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Learning, Crafting, Saving

1920 was the great awakening year when it came to children's rights. This was the first time an organization was ever created to stop the neglect, exploitation and abuse of children. This was 20 years after animal rights had already been created. This meant the for 40 years, since 1880, many children were being shoved into orphan trains to go work on farms, while others were fed left overs by the dumpsters from country kitchens. 1920 was the first time someone believed a precious child had the same right to be loved and nurtured as a cat or a dog.
That's one shocking fact that I learned this weekend in the start of my foster care classes. Some other shocking facts I learned, 9,500 children are in foster care in the state of Missouri, and only 3,400 are in homes as you read this. That means that 6,300 are in residential care where they can't have contact with the "outside world" but 2 times a week, 10 minutes each. Also, 125,00 children will lose their parents to HIV/AIDS in the U.S. this year. 150 children will die because their parent's lost their temper and took it out on them. 1in 10 teen girls are pregnant and unhoused.
I could go on and on with a lot of the things that I learned Saturday, but you may already be uninterested. Usually statistics don't mean a lot to me, but on Saturday they did. These statistics mean that God called me to a job that may never see an end. I was reminded that God has called me to a job that is way bigger than I am or than I ever could be.
In the state of Colorado, a church decided they were going to help the orphan problem they saw in their state. The number of children needing a home was rapidly increasing. Each church member decided to adopt 1-2 children from Colorado, and by that action it eradicated the orphan problem in Colorado. There are still others on the waiting list for adoptions and many have become foster parents through the process. I really wish I could look back one day and say that about Missouri. Say that my Christian brothers and sister and myself really did what we were called to do by Christ. I don't know if I ever will, but I know that I want to strive to help the abandoned. Sitting in that class I was reminded that I can't do this alone, it's no small task.
For some reason, God saw it fit to call me here, and I desire to run hard after Him, so I can run hard after the goal He has placed before me. In that room on Saturday I decided I want to strive to be the most God loving, craftiest, most money saving foster mom, so I can try to cater to as many children as the Lord blesses me with. Hopefully I will see some of those come to know Him as I know Him.
I will keep learning and watching women in my life like Angela Carson, Julie Kearns, Bobbie Underwood, Sarah Nelson and Tamika Valentine, so maybe, just maybe I can learn a little bit about being a godly woman and a godly mom, and even save a few $ along the way :) Maybe when the time comes that a little one is placed in my care, I will finally be ready. Ha who am I kidding, I'll never be ready, but maybe I'll be a step closer!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Anxiously Awaiting

Well, my foster care classes start this Saturday. I'm a little anxious. Anxious with both anticipation and then the nervousness of what lies before me. After finishing the paper work I think it hit me that my time was coming. I have the same fears as I think most mothers do: I'm not going to be good enough, I'm afraid I will ruin them, What if I totally rot as a mom? All those things fly around in my head, but I am reminded of the truths. The truth that God has called me to this, and the truth that He is the one who works all things out for the good of those called according to His purpose. That doesn't mean it's going to be easy, but it means that I am a prisoner of hope (Zechariah 2.9) and that I have hope in the Lord that even in the midst of not being good enough, He is! It's a little overwhelming, but it's so good in the same breath. I am very excited about what lies ahead because God is doing and is going to do great things. I will leave you with some photos I have taken throughout the summer. I did a little photo project with my iPhone, and I really enjoyed it. This is not all inclusive of my project, but it's some I really liked. Enjoy! 

It's easy to pass up the beauty that comes out of
a place that many would call trashy. 

Grace. It's such a vibrant word, and I think
sometimes I allow it to lose it's vibrancy.

There are moments when I see from a different 
perspective. Shimming under the locked stall 
is one of those times. 

Card Wash Only Laundry. The sketchy place where
interns bond and the AC is always broken!

Just another view of Card Wash
Only Laundry. 

This is a typical view of my nightstand. Well, 
usually it has about 3 more books stacked, but you
get the idea. 

This bridge leads into Jeff City. I take it when I am
Columbia. On this day I was doing just that. 

Micah Carson

Avery Carson