1920 was the great awakening year when it came to children's rights. This was the first time an organization was ever created to stop the neglect, exploitation and abuse of children. This was 20 years after animal rights had already been created. This meant the for 40 years, since 1880, many children were being shoved into orphan trains to go work on farms, while others were fed left overs by the dumpsters from country kitchens. 1920 was the first time someone believed a precious child had the same right to be loved and nurtured as a cat or a dog.
That's one shocking fact that I learned this weekend in the start of my foster care classes. Some other shocking facts I learned, 9,500 children are in foster care in the state of Missouri, and only 3,400 are in homes as you read this. That means that 6,300 are in residential care where they can't have contact with the "outside world" but 2 times a week, 10 minutes each. Also, 125,00 children will lose their parents to HIV/AIDS in the U.S. this year. 150 children will die because their parent's lost their temper and took it out on them. 1in 10 teen girls are pregnant and unhoused.
I could go on and on with a lot of the things that I learned Saturday, but you may already be uninterested. Usually statistics don't mean a lot to me, but on Saturday they did. These statistics mean that God called me to a job that may never see an end. I was reminded that God has called me to a job that is way bigger than I am or than I ever could be.
In the state of Colorado, a church decided they were going to help the orphan problem they saw in their state. The number of children needing a home was rapidly increasing. Each church member decided to adopt 1-2 children from Colorado, and by that action it eradicated the orphan problem in Colorado. There are still others on the waiting list for adoptions and many have become foster parents through the process. I really wish I could look back one day and say that about Missouri. Say that my Christian brothers and sister and myself really did what we were called to do by Christ. I don't know if I ever will, but I know that I want to strive to help the abandoned. Sitting in that class I was reminded that I can't do this alone, it's no small task.
For some reason, God saw it fit to call me here, and I desire to run hard after Him, so I can run hard after the goal He has placed before me. In that room on Saturday I decided I want to strive to be the most God loving, craftiest, most money saving foster mom, so I can try to cater to as many children as the Lord blesses me with. Hopefully I will see some of those come to know Him as I know Him.
I will keep learning and watching women in my life like Angela Carson, Julie Kearns, Bobbie Underwood, Sarah Nelson and Tamika Valentine, so maybe, just maybe I can learn a little bit about being a godly woman and a godly mom, and even save a few $ along the way :) Maybe when the time comes that a little one is placed in my care, I will finally be ready. Ha who am I kidding, I'll never be ready, but maybe I'll be a step closer!
Keep the passion alive for the work at hand. The children need you.
~Auntie M.