Thursday, March 31, 2011
Seeking to live
This morning I was reading Amos 5 and three verses jumped out at me. "Seek Me so that you may live" "Seek God so that you may live" "Seek good and not evil so that you may live" What wonderful verses! I read the blog of a Japense Baptist minister that lives in Fukusima near the plant that is causing Nuclear waste to spill out. He and his congregation are seeking so that they may live, and they are challenging other Japanese people who don't know the Lord to seek so they may truly live. (link to his Blog, it will come up in Japanese, but hit English in the middle of the page and it will translate)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
Well while doing this dishes I was pondering God and His greatness. I always seem to do this over the dishes, which is interesting because I hate dishes. However, I was and I was praying over something that may happen tonight. To me it's very exciting, last week when it happened a had a small party with myself and God, we danced, ate dinner, sang, you know God celebration stuff. I've been praying about it throughout the week, patiently awaiting its arrival. Now, it's almost here, and I'm a little nervous. What in the heck is going to happen you ask? I'll tell you, a stranger might come to our bible study! There we were reading John, and in the middle of chapter 5 I hear "excuse me." I didn't think it was for me, so I kept reading. However, out of the corner of my eye I saw a girl walking toward me. I looked up, and she asked if this was exclusive. It had never happened before, so in the midst of my amazement I just looked at her, but quickly snapped out of it and said of course not anyone is welcome. She smiled and said she would be back this week because she was on her way to meet someone at the moment. I was so excited, I could hardly teach the rest of the bible study. So, I got on facebook, added her and then sent her a little wall message inviting her to the bible study. Oh I was so excited, I guess most of the people only saw me being shocked, but I was excited. I guess it really shocked me because it's something you pray for and when it happens you realize you didn't really think it was going to happen. So, there I was pondering God's greatness and my lack of faith over disgusting dishes.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Humbling a Soft Heart
I have been attending a missions conference out in Millersville. I have gone for 3 years, and I continue to love it more. I guess it's because I learn a lot, and meet wonderful missionary people. It's great to hear their testimonies about the cultures they are living in, struggles, success etc. This weekend I had to opportunity to meet a family that has resided in Russia for the last 3 years. I have been blessed by their stories, and it makes me even more excited to get onto the mission field full time! I was really humbled by the oldest child they have in their family last night. She's only 12, but she got in front of people who were about the same age as her and shared her testimony. Nervousness was clearly present, but in the midst of that nervousness she said a statement that reminded me why I believe everyone I come in contact with is a teacher. She said, "I feel blessed to be in Russia and be a missionary." She went on to tell stories about her friends that she's made and the sewing class she's in. I really stopped listening for a while, I just couldn't get past what she said. There was no well my parents brought us to Russia, my parents job in Russia, but she made it clear they were there. She described how she has to share with her friend because she can't come right out and tell them the gospel. I really checked out there. Sitting in my own little world, remembering that no matter where we are in life God will use us as He pleases. I'm always amazed by His glory. One day, if the Lord wills me into full time missions, I pray I'm half the witness that she is.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
5 ways to make your kids hate church
As I'm sitting waiting for one of the exit exams I was browsing the blogs that I happen to follow. I found this, and I thought it was interesting. It's from a blog called Challies, and he got it somewhere else, so I just didn't want to take credit for it. I thought it was interesting because a lot of preachers lately have hit on these five points, thought you might want to check them out.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Bright Life
Well, I figured I would take the time to write a little bit about the mission trip that I went on recently with a wonderful group of people "Yes Mam!" (if you weren't on the trip you won't get that, sorry). Well we went to Princeton, Kentucky to a place called Bright Life Farms. Here it's a place where people with mental handy-caps can live in a family environment and pretty much live on their own. While there we painted an entire house, it was a job and a half (pictures will be at the bottom). We also washed the 15 passenger vans so they could get their new decals on the sides of them, to show who they were. This was one activity we did with the residents of the farm. We also did a craft, played bingo and had a bonfireish night. Bingo was hilarious, they loved it. And the night we were supposed to do the bonfire it was super windy, so we just did hot dogs on the stove and smores in the microwave! Yeah crafty BSU people! It was a really wonderful experience. One of the most humbling things while we were there is that they wanted to love on us so much. Their hearts were geared to serving us, but we were the ones on a "mission trip." I think it's interesting how God reveals himself in times like that, it never ceases to amaze me. I also enjoyed getting to know people better. We had some new people come with us on the trip, and it was wonderful. I learned about their lives and really got to see their "crazy" side. Quiet people are always the most interesting :) But all in all it was wonderful, I was thoroughly blessed and would love to go back sometime!
Spring break is unfortunately over, and I think I'm back to the business of school. I love spring break but hate it all the same. It's this little week of breathing room in the semester, but it also throws me off the school groove. However, Mass Com law slapped me right off the spring break train on Monday, and I have been trying to recover ever since. Well I guess that's really all I have, just wanted to give a little update. Hope you are watching some basketball here in March Madness, there are some wonderful upsets! And a public reminder, don't flush your phone down the toilet, it's bad for its health!
Spring break is unfortunately over, and I think I'm back to the business of school. I love spring break but hate it all the same. It's this little week of breathing room in the semester, but it also throws me off the school groove. However, Mass Com law slapped me right off the spring break train on Monday, and I have been trying to recover ever since. Well I guess that's really all I have, just wanted to give a little update. Hope you are watching some basketball here in March Madness, there are some wonderful upsets! And a public reminder, don't flush your phone down the toilet, it's bad for its health!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Glory in Forgiveness
In the midst of the great weather this just made me remember!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Practical prayer not so practical
Well, I was thinking, in the midst of not studying, about prayer. I'm not going to tell you my train of thought because you would get very lost. However, I was thinking about praying in front of people and that let to embarrassing things you say in prayers that is something you would say to God on a regular basis but in front of people they will judge you. Well if you know me then I really don't care, so I will say whatever I really want. But, I was thinking about a time that I remember praying and doing my thing and people jumped on the judge wagon. Thought I would share and ask if you can share some of the same stories. I was praying in front of a group of people at Fruitland Community Church. We had just gotten done talking about the Indian Subcontinent, and we ate their food, talked about their religion (mostly Hindu but some Muslims-remember the Hindu for the end of the story it will make it funnier). So I get up there to start this time of prayer that we wanted to have for the subcontinent. I started the prayer how I often start prayers when I get excited. I said "Holy cow God, you are so awesome." Immediately that sent people into laughter, some into gasps of what seemed to be horror and others eyes fly to open position. I will forever remember that day. Not that I have stopped saying that or that I ever will, I was just reminiscing on the time. Do you have a time like this?
Monday, March 7, 2011
Evie blessings
I went to church yesterday, a usual on my Sunday mornings. I had gone to my hometown of good old Festus MO this weekend, where I spent all day Saturday sick as a dang dog, so I went to my home church. Well I decided to go to Sunday School with my Nana (I had left my car and ridden with a friend- having a car is pretty inconvenient). The women in her class are all in their 50s and above, so of course I felt a little out of place. I also felt a little liberal per-say in some of my beliefs compared to theirs. They began talking about missions, which if a brick wall will listen to me I'll talk about missions all day. They then asked my take on the whole missions, giving and missional support topic. So, I told them, and we had a wonderful discussion. Afterward one of the ladies in her class came up to me and asked me what my address was. After giving her my address she said she wanted to begin supporting me monthly. It's one of those amazing moments when God affirms something in your life that you've been praying about. For the first 2 years of college I knew I was supposed to go anywhere, which at certain times bummed me out. However, God opened the door for me to go to Canada and is opening the door for El Salvador as well. I am also going to apply for the journeyman program. I just think it's amazing the plan that is set in front of us, and we often overlook or get too scared to accomplish it. I was really just kind of blown away by God and how he just let me see that this was really him saying yes. My heart is so passionately on fire for the international people, and I can't wait to go. I just thought it was awesome. So, I guess if you are looking for an answer to something, keep praying and seeking God because maybe the answer will come in the package of a 5' 2'' woman named Evie.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
When America and school clash!
Well, I thought if you haven't read the case you should here is the link to it,
This is the Westboro court case ruling. We talked about in in my mass communication class because they fought on ground of freedom of speech. And since it's religious and political speech it's the highest on the list. You can find more of the court case like the dissenting and majority opinions. In an 8-1 majority rule they agreed with Westboro. I thought it was interesting to read about. I agree with the dissenting opinion for sure.
This is the Westboro court case ruling. We talked about in in my mass communication class because they fought on ground of freedom of speech. And since it's religious and political speech it's the highest on the list. You can find more of the court case like the dissenting and majority opinions. In an 8-1 majority rule they agreed with Westboro. I thought it was interesting to read about. I agree with the dissenting opinion for sure.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Meticulous March Madness
Well to start off, I would usually be listening to some wonderful music while typing this; however, my computer has decided to blow up and say all sound is no longer working. Great, so no great song quotes today, not that I have given you any in the past, but I was thinking tonight was the night, and since Shakespeare's "Get thee to a nunnery" and "I hate you with the passion of 1000 burning suns" won't fit in within this you're out of luck on the meticulous quoting. Well, I made cheesecake after craving it for about a week. No, it wasn't made with love and care from the own sweat of my brow. It was the $1.70 box that you buy at the store. Which, when you have been craving it for a week is more than wonderful. I am pretty sure I danced around a little after my first bite. So, I have 2 weeks until spring break, and I can tell it's coming. This is because all of my professors realized at the same time. They realized that up until this point they have been too lax on their homework, test and note taking; therefore, they decided to dump it on like a pile of steaming crap! Oh yes, it is March Madness alright not only basketball (where by the way, my favorite team Tennessee-represent- isn't doing all that great) but also at good old SEMO. I am assuming it's like that at all the universities, but I am just feeling the pains here. However, I will survive. I counted today and realized next week I have a total of 5 exams. Yes, that is all of my classes but 1. But I will press on, and press on I must (oh that is from a book HA I snuck a quote in there like it or not!)
I went to a conference over the weekend, where of course I didn't fail to make a fool of myself in videos that we made in the hotel room. Falling off the bed, acting like an animal, all the above. If you are really dying to see them now that I have planted that seed into your head their on Facebook, thanks to my friend Macy. However, I did learn some wonderful things at the conference. It was specifically for leadership. So, some of the BSU leadership team went. Steve Sacconne (who is on podcast at Mosaic if you are into podcast check him out) spoke and he was wonderful. He wrote a book called relational intelligence. It's on my list of Jesus books for the summer, and I hope I get to it. He talked all about relationships and what really helps and hurts them. I think there were 3 things that really stuck out to me. 1. As Christians we often let our humanities get in the way. This is when we really see the barriers in our live. I'm not saying personal barriers, but more of cultural. For example die hard America lovers sometimes see other cultures as less than us, so it can get in the way of loving them. Christ didn't let this happen. 2. All people are looking for one of three things or sometimes all of these three: meaning, intimacy and destiny. This is where the gospel relates to certain people. For me I really realized that meaning is where I related. I think I can see myself in the others as well, but I was really looking for meaning before I came to know Jesus. 3. Discipleship isn't always formal, but it is intentional. I think this one is awesome because I have people in my life I am pouring into. Never before have I seen that as discipleship. I realized it's more than just walking through the bible with someone, or doing "christian" stuff, rather it's living life with them, loving them. Those were the three things that have really been hard on my heart since the conference. It was wonderful.
I may be going to El Salvador this summer. It would be the beginning of my internship with Fruirland. I'm pretty sure it's an all clear. Now, I just need to raise the money. :) God will provide, he always does. Well, I am going to go continue the march madness by studying some Mass Com Law. Oh the joys copyright laws bring to my life (laced with sarcasm). Tennessee plays on the Thursday night, hopefully they can get the big W! Have a wonderful night!
I went to a conference over the weekend, where of course I didn't fail to make a fool of myself in videos that we made in the hotel room. Falling off the bed, acting like an animal, all the above. If you are really dying to see them now that I have planted that seed into your head their on Facebook, thanks to my friend Macy. However, I did learn some wonderful things at the conference. It was specifically for leadership. So, some of the BSU leadership team went. Steve Sacconne (who is on podcast at Mosaic if you are into podcast check him out) spoke and he was wonderful. He wrote a book called relational intelligence. It's on my list of Jesus books for the summer, and I hope I get to it. He talked all about relationships and what really helps and hurts them. I think there were 3 things that really stuck out to me. 1. As Christians we often let our humanities get in the way. This is when we really see the barriers in our live. I'm not saying personal barriers, but more of cultural. For example die hard America lovers sometimes see other cultures as less than us, so it can get in the way of loving them. Christ didn't let this happen. 2. All people are looking for one of three things or sometimes all of these three: meaning, intimacy and destiny. This is where the gospel relates to certain people. For me I really realized that meaning is where I related. I think I can see myself in the others as well, but I was really looking for meaning before I came to know Jesus. 3. Discipleship isn't always formal, but it is intentional. I think this one is awesome because I have people in my life I am pouring into. Never before have I seen that as discipleship. I realized it's more than just walking through the bible with someone, or doing "christian" stuff, rather it's living life with them, loving them. Those were the three things that have really been hard on my heart since the conference. It was wonderful.
I may be going to El Salvador this summer. It would be the beginning of my internship with Fruirland. I'm pretty sure it's an all clear. Now, I just need to raise the money. :) God will provide, he always does. Well, I am going to go continue the march madness by studying some Mass Com Law. Oh the joys copyright laws bring to my life (laced with sarcasm). Tennessee plays on the Thursday night, hopefully they can get the big W! Have a wonderful night!
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